
My name is Juvy but you can call me, Juv - because my name isn't short enough already. I'm 26 going on 27 but feel like I'm 18 some days. I have the most amazing partner, he is definitely my rock. Together, we have three crazy-beautiful littles - Sadie, 5; Mckenzie, 3 & Declan, 1 going on 2. I am a stay-at-home mom and absolutely love it. I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba but now live in a town in Alberta.

Most of our family and friends who we have grown up with, live in different cities or provinces, which is why I started this blog. It was to keep them up to date with what was going on in our lives. With a crazy busy life, I've had to put blogging aside, but I find myself coming back to it every chance I get. Hopefully I can keep it up this time around. I enjoy blogging. I enjoy blogging about our life, our kids, what we have done, where we have gone and anything else I can think of. I also enjoy sports, being outdoors, exercise and a lot of family time.


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