Wednesday, March 6, 2013

the sweetest thing...

With Declan nearing his four month mark (yes, he will be turning four months and no, I can't believe it) his personality has been starting to come out more and more. He can be one of two things: 1. he can be THE saddest baby. His cries are so sad, it literally sounds like he is in so much pain, when all he wants is a bottle or to be held/have someone around him. OR 2. he can be THE happiest baby ever. Which has been most of the time lately. He loves to smile and laugh. Whether it be during his early morning feeds or changing his diaper or putting him to sleep. He will smile and laugh like you are the funniest person in the world. I fall in love with him again and again just seeing his smile.

That being said, he has shown a liking to his big sister Sadie. Sadie is so good with Declan. She loves him unconditionally and you can tell. She always wants to hold him, feed him and just be around him. Whenever she hears Declan make one little cry, she quickly runs to me and says "mommy, my baby is crying, I need to make him happy o.k?". Then she runs off in his room or to where ever he is and I hear her trying to to calm him down (usually by just making loud noises haha). She has been doing that since the day we brought him home and I think he is noticing her a lot more, now that he is older. He is being more interactive with Sadie. Either talking to her, laughing at/with her or just giving her that sweet smile of his. It is the sweetest thing to see and it melts my heart every time.

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